Cute, curled locks are all the rage at the moment. But if you're one of the many that struggles to keep curls in, all that time and effort with the tongs can feel a little pointless. The trick is to use the right products and techniques to add a bouncy, nourished curl that won't drop. So where do you start? Follow our easy curling tips to find out.
Prep your hair
Often this first stage is the one that's overlooked or skipped entirely. If you're serious about keeping those curls in place, make sure to spend time on your prep. That means washing and drying your hair and applying the right products to encourage your locks to maintain the curl.
But there's another good reason for this step. Heated tongs can damage your hair if used incorrectly, so a good heat defending styling product is a must. To give you some inspiration, Wella's Silvikrin Brilliant Shine and Hold gives you volume and staying power, and VO5's Tame & Shine Spray Heat Defence will give your hair added protection before you apply the heat.
Invest in the right tongs
A good quality tong is essential if you want to perfect those curls. It can be tempting to drag some dusty old tongs from a cupboard, but if you really want to end up with a look that turns heads for the right reasons, you'll need to splash out on the right styling tools. When it comes to technique, remember to wrap your hair around the tong, rather than rotating the tong up through each strand.
If you have straight hair, you'll need to increase the heat, and buying tongs that can reach those higher temperatures is the first priority. Barrel size matters too. Often it feels safer to go for a larger barrel size, but brave a smaller one, and you'll end up with curls that last longer. We love BaByliss's Pro Ceramic Dial-a-Heat Curling Tong, which can create anything from tighter curls to soft waves.
Cool it down
Not a step to be missed, once you've magicked up some gorgeous waves, you'll need to give them time to set. That means pinning them in place and leaving them to cool completely before you start messing with them.
Once you're ready to take the pins out, tousle your hair with your fingers rather than using a brush. This will allow you to perfect your style without risking brushing all your hard work away.
Finish to perfection
Before you quite literally bounce on through the door, don't forget to fix your style in place. A good hairspray will give your curls more reason to stay exactly where they are. Keep your distance with that spray though. Panicking and applying hairspray too close will give you a crunchy effect. Not ideal! Great, hardworking hairsprays include Charles Worthington's Style Setter Strong Hold Hairspray, and Tigi's Bed Head Flexi Head Strong Hold Hairspray.

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