Whether it is with the latest anti- wrinkle cream you have tried or whether you’ve invested in invasive procedures such as botox or plastic surgery we are forever trying to approve our appearance. We all want to look and feel our best!
In 2017 figures showed that in the UK 28,315 went under the knife, with highs off 51,000+ in 2015. In 2017 a whopping 2.69 million had soft filler tissue such as botox usually used to reduce signs of aging. But more and more of us are taking a different approach, by improving our health and lifestyle choices. A new trend the beauty industry has seen is yoga skin; Yoga is a popular exercise used to improve body strength and as a relaxation technique, but it also now proving the benefits to your skin.
So, let’s talk about the YOGA GLOW… is it a thing? Yes, and it is being described as a fresh, juicy, luscious look! How does this work? The motion of yoga combined with the breathing exercises helps to balance out hormones and enlarges blood vessels which increase the blood flow providing the skin with nutrients and oxygen. Take a look at some of benefits we have found in more detail;
Increases Blood Circulation – Most exercises improve your blood circulation, but speed might not be your style so if you prefer Yoga to Zumba don’t worry slow is not ineffective. Positions such as a spinal twist, shoulder stand and forward folds are a great way to increase blood flow to your face. Blood flow to the facial area will speed up the skin cell renewal nerves, bringing on that glow!
Reduces Toxins – As mentioned blood circulation is key but if you add some sun salutations A or B to raise the tempo, increasing body temperature this will allow your body to sweat out all toxins. If you have a build up of toxins this could be the cause of breakouts or dark areas so, get your blood pumping even if it is only slightly – take it at your own pace!
Oxygen Purifying – Yoga is known for its breathing exercises, so if you can include positions such as a camel pose or high cobra this will allow your body to open your lungs letting more oxygen in. Oxygen is essential for a bright and youthful complexion as it fills the blood with boosting nutrients.
Lowers Stress - Stress at any age can be the cause of skin concerns whether it brings on break outs or effects your sleep leaving you with dark circles and tired lines. Lowering your stress is a huge health benefit! Restorative yoga relaxes the body and clears the mind, as well as promoting restful sleep.
Balances Hormones – Yoga is renowned for restoring harmony and helping our bodies to regulate hormones. This helps with everything from breakouts and acne to fatigue. Vinyasa classes will stimulate hormone producing glands allowing your body to keep its natural balance.
We put this too the test and sent a volunteer to a local Yoga class. Four weeks in and here is the latest update;
‘The first class I found challenging due to my strength, so my breathing was out of time, but I now love attending the class. There is no pressure for ability and your body instantly feels better from taking in bigger breathes and stretching out. My skin has completely cleared up since the Christmas period with a combination of Yoga and trialing natural products. I find the class a great alternative to a usual work out and extremely helpful with mindfulness.’
If you want to trial something new that is budget friendly Yoga is perfect with great added benefits. The Yoga Glow is real! If you want to try some organic, natural products that can help aid your skin then one organic brand we would recommend would be The Organic Pharmacy.