Liquid + oil + cream = what? We have established a verdict. Our Beauty Blog Editor tried the LOC haircare method on her own curly locks and today she’ll be revealing all on if it actually works and the kind of products she used to follow this regime that is recommended for curly, textured hair.
Before, we get into the good stuff, let’s find out exactly why curly and more textured hair types are in need of so much more nourishment. Why do these hair types qualify for a triple combination out-of-the-shower haircare regime?
1. Just how many hair types are there?
If you didn’t already know, there are actually 10 hair types in total. These range from straight and wavy, to curly and kinky/coily. Lots of the latter hair types often show signs of having stunning Caribbean, African or even South American heritage. Despite, how beautiful they are, they can be quite the hassle to fully care for – I’m speaking from experience of course.
2. How does my hair shaft and oil production relate?
The reason these thicker hair types need so much more product to hydrate is because the natural oils that our scalp produce struggle to travel down a curved, curly hair shaft. If your hair type is similar to that of 1 and 2 (previous image) you’re likely to find that your hair gets greasier much quicker with oil travelling straight down whereas us curly girls are out here trying to lap up every inch of moisture we can get.
3. Introducing: The LOC Method
Liquid, Oil, Cream. The idea behind this method is that you’re meant to apply the products in this exact order. A liquid-based product, an oil and then a conditioning cream after your typical hair wash cycle once you’ve towel or part dried your hair. As you can see, my hair type is around the 3C scale as its made up of quite the curl so I was more than happy to give this method a go…
The Verdict
For the liquid: I chose to simply add water. When my hair is wet, it’s much easier for me to detangle any knots and I like the slip that this adds to the products I use.
For the oil: I used my classic tub of coconut and castor oil that my nan (Jamaican) hooked me on a few years ago. The consistency of this is super viscous and it’s like a more transparent, gloopier version of Vaseline and I’m sure other curly girls will be drooling at their screens just at the thought of it. I find that these oils help to weigh down my curls enough to prevent shrinkage whilst locking in every inch of moisture.
For the cream: I used a leave-in conditioner that has the same consistency of a regular conditioner however I focused this purely on the mid-lengths and tips rather than applying all over like I did with the oil.
Overall, I would say that my hair definitely retained a lot of moisture this way and as weird as it felt applying a super thick oil to rather wet strands, I could tell that all of the ingredients were locked in and ready to settle and mix after my typical plaiting-hair-for-bed process in the evening. I’d try this again for sure, however since then I definitely still have the urge to put my conditioner in first purely from being stuck in the same routine!
One of my favourite go-to black haircare brands is Shea Moisture and I’m obsessed with so many of their fruity, delicious-smelling ranges. If you fancy trying out this method for yourself, definitely take a look at some of my favourite products below to get selecting your cream!
Editor’s Favourites: Shea Moisture
Fruit Fusion Weightless Shampoo & Cream Rinse Conditioner
Catering specifically for fine to medium hair, this Shea Moisture Fruit Fusion Weightless Shampoo expertly cleanses and hydrates from root to tip. Infused with Organic Shea Butter and Pure Coconut Water, this luxurious formula gently refreshes and rejuvenates hair whilst the brand’s signature blend of Dragon Fruit, Lychee Berry and Green Apple Extracts energise limp, lack-lustre locks. The Cream Rinse Conditioner also works wonders with many of the same magical ingredients.
Raw Shea Butter Moisture Detangler, Conditioner and Treatment Masque
This treatment mask works amazingly with the conditioner and detangler to deeply moisturise and repair dry, damaged or over-processed hair. With Sea Kelp and Argan Oil, these organic ingredients work together to smooth dry hair enabling you to remove knots and tangles more easily while also restoring body, shine and manageability.
Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Conditioner and Hair Masque
Shea Moisture’s luscious Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil haircare combo offer intensive hydration and detangling action along with antioxidant-rich African Rock Fig to help boost further nourishment while protecting each strand from environmental influences and pollutants leaving hair soft, shiny and easier to style than ever before. If you’re after stronger, healthier, frizz-free hair, these products are a must-have!
Thank you for reading, we hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Come and take a look at the incredible fragrance and beauty brands we stock!

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